The CouCou Club

The founders of the CouCou Club were unsure about their next product innovation. They had been very successful with their last beauty tool, but wanted to know whether going for a next tool, would limit their potential in the longer term. SEPTEMBER helped them:

  • Uncover their deeper motivations and purpose
  • Re-discover the pains of their target customer
  • Define the role they aspire to play in their lives
  • Formulate their product philosophy
  • Align their innovation strategy

Result? The newly chosen route was a spot-on choice that resonated with shoppers’ needs, causing a steady increase in sales, and proving to be a crowd-puller in times of Covid-19.

“It was eye-opening. We now know what our true purpose is, and are making conscious choices in product development. Recommended for those looking for inspiration or to sharpen their vision”

CouCouClub, Founders

Charlie’s Organics

Charlie’s ran into a “no” after presenting their proposal for expanding distribution at their ideal large retail customer. Reason? Their product ticked all the trend boxes, but their brand story did not cut through. The Charlie’s team worked with SEPTEMBER on the following:
  • Uncover the founders’ and brand purpose Interview the ideal customers and their needs
  • Clarify the brand solution on 3 levels; functional-emotional-societal
  • Map goals, vision and product philosophy
  • Write the brand manifest and brand book
  • Deliver a selling story that convinces
Results? A compelling brand positioning and narrative, that intuitively resonates with consumers, customers and partners and increase appeal, impact and growth. Over the course of only 1 month with a meeting frequency of less than 1 day a week, this project was delivered to full satisfaction, propelling the brand forward.

“Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed this process. You were able to grasp what is motivating us, what we believe this brand is about, and put it to a clear positioning and brand story.”

Charlie's Organics, CEO


The CEO of Streetwise saw that her biggest opportunity was not attracting new clients, but new employees. In the younger age bracket where the company usually finds staff, competition is increasing. She wanted to refresh her employer brand to attract more and higher quality co-workers.

The Streetwise team worked with September Growth on the following:

  • Discovering employee needs through in-depth interviews
  • Defining company purpose and sharpening values, validated with co-workers
  • Virtual Co-creation of new communication propositions with employees
  • Infusing the candidate journey with new recruitment activities and communication initiatives

Result? The approach led to a sharper brand identity, refreshed values and a new purpose statement that fully energized the team. This paved the way for discovering creative, new recruitment activities co-created with young employees, discovering insights and input to optimize candidate journey.

“Absolutely happy with the process, the results and fast pace that Madelon delivered on our project. From the start, guiding me through the right questioning, being flexible to include relevant parts discovered on the way and above all, creating a fun and personal atmosphere where everyone feels excited and open to join and share opinions. The combination that Madelon brings of guidance, analyses, delivery and fun, made the project even more valuable. I would not hesitate to work with her again, besides the results, a gift for your company or team!”

Streetwise, CEO

We Are Barracuda

Barracuda wanted to sharpen their positioning and expand their services portfolio to customers.

The Barracuda team worked with September Growth on the following:

  • Discovering customer needs through in-depth interviews
  • Defining founders’ and company purpose validated in an employee survey
  • Co-creation of new value propositions with clients
  • Creating communication plans
  • Setting goals, team and individual targets

Result? After discovering their purpose, choosing their core values and defining their strategic priorities, Barracuda has improved their customer journey and created clear guidelines for communication. This has enabled them to share their unique expertise better and win in their market

“We are more focused now and have developed and tested a few new business initiatives during the process, with success!”

Barracuda Uninc., Founder

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